Monday, July 15, 2013

Justice for Trayvon Martin?

Justice for Trayvon? Repeal ALEC's 'Stand Your Ground' 

Some, mostly conservatives, are arguing that the Florida "Stand Your Ground' law played no role in the Zimmerman trial or verdict they are wrong.

The Instructions read to the Jury used the new Florida "Stand Your Ground" law's guidelines (that the defendant only had to show they feared they would be killed, not the older self-defense guidelines, that the defendant had to show that they did everything they could to avoid the confrontation or events that lead to killing someone to defend themselves.

The ‪#‎NRA‬'s "Stand Your Ground" law allowed George Zimmerman to walk free after stalking and killing an unarmed teenager. And it will also give him complete immunity from civil lawsuits.  ‪#‎NoMoreNRA‬ ‪#‎Justice4Trayvon‬

Why Stand Your Ground Is Central to George Zimmerman's Case

Zimmerman Juror Says Panel Considered Stand Your Ground in Deliberations

Stand Your Ground and The Zimmerman Defense (Media Matters)

White People Who Kill Black People in "Stand Your Ground" States 354% More Likely to Be Cleared of Murder

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

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