Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ben Nelson Retiring Ahead Of 2012 Election

Ben Nelson Retiring Ahead Of 2012 Election One less conservative Democrat who opposed progressive legislation like a public option for health insurance and often voted with Republicans, but he was one of the 60 votes that stopped progressive legislation dead in the U.S. Senate. He was a pathetic corrupt politician.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

In Osawatomie, Obama Embraces New Populist Moment | The Nation

In Osawatomie, Obama Embraces New Populist Moment | The Nation

'Occupy Our Homes' Protesters Highlight Foreclosures Nationwide | Common Dreams

'Occupy Our Homes' Protesters Highlight Foreclosures Nationwide | Common Dreams

A Fair Shot v. You’re-On-Your-Own Economics

A Fair Shot v. You’re-On-Your-Own Economics: pA Truly American Idea: An Economy That Works For Everyone “I hold that while man exists it is his duty to improve not only his own condition, but to assist in ameliorating mankind.” “The absence of effective State, and, especially, national, restraint upon unfair money-getting has tended to create a small class of enormously wealthy [...]/p

Obama's speech in Kansas echos progressive Republican Teddy Roosevelt, and reflects the Occupy movement's focus on income and wealth inequality.